
Sleep Apnoea Forum Bringing Help + Support to the Patient

Sleep Apnoea Information




The Greek word 'Apnoea' means 'Without Breath' which is where the name of the 'condition' called Sleep Apnoea (also spelt Apnea in some countries) is derived from.  Therefore, Sleep Apnoea means stopping breathing whilst sleeping!

Sleep Apnoea is a medical 'condition' which is only just being widely recognized in the UK.  However, it is a serious 'condition', due to the other illnesses it is linked to, such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, driving accidents, obesity, anxiety/depression and thyroid problems.  New research is being undertaken constantly and many more links to other medical conditions are possible.

In most cases, a person with sleep apnoea will be a snorer, and mostly (unbeknown to them) will stop breathing many times a night, ranging from mild cases of around 5-14 apnoeas per hour, 15-30 apnoeas would be a moderate case and 30+ is severe.  The apnoea (stop breathing episode) will happen whilst sleeping, and the brain (thankfully) sends messages to the body to start breathing again.  Unfortunately this cycle will repeat itself throughout the night.  The sufferer will often wake up feeling unrefreshed, but will not put this down to lack of sleep, as they are under the impression they have slept well, due to most people being unaware of what has been happening through the night.  It is normally the bed partner who may notice what is going on.  Many have reported of hearing their bed partner snoring, followed by a silent pause when they suspect their partner has stopped breathing (which they have!).  The sufferer will then usually make a snorting, choking or gasping noise, and they will start breathing again,but the cycle will continue throughout the night.


A person with undiagnosed sleep apnoea may present some or all of the following symptoms:-

  • Daytime tiredness - often with the need for naps when circumstances permit.
  • Snoring
  • Sudden awakenings from sleep (but not always as many sufferers are unaware of waking up).
  • Lack of concentration, poor work or school performance and possibly memory problems or confusion.
  • Depression, anxiety or irritability.
  • Morning headaches and/or migraines.
  • Dry mouth and/or sore throat on waking.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • They may already be a diabetic, have had a heart attack or stroke, suffer from hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia and other medical conditions which are still being discovered.
  • Many other symptoms can be present due to sleep deprivation.


There are several different causes why a person has Obstructive Sleep Apnoea or how it can be made worse, as follows:-

  • Nasal Blockage, due to deviated septum, narrow passages, congestion, allergies etc.
  • Large Uvula.
  • Obesity.
  • Overuse of Alcohol.
  • Certain Medications, such as tranquillisers etc.
  • Large Tonsils or Adenoids.
  • Large Soft Palate.
  • Receding Jaw.
  • Enlarged Tongue.
  • Smoking.
  • Brain slow to send messages to breathe (this is known as Central Sleep Apnoea and is not as common as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea).
  • Having a family member with Sleep Apnoea, normally due to inheriting craniofacial issues.


There are several routes to take, but the most important one is TAKE ACTION NOW!!

  • Book an appointment to discuss this with your GP, who should refer you to a Specialist to arrange a Sleep Study.
  • Ask your bed partner to observe you sleeping.
  • If possible, record the sound of yourself sleeping, or even a video recording.
  • You can take a simple Home Screening Sleep Test to check if you do have sleep apnoea.  These are particularly helpful for persuading your GP to send you to for a full sleep study at your nearest sleep clinic.
  • The Epworth Sleepiness Scale Questionnaire is normally one of the first things you would be asked to fill in.  This will give you a good indication of whether you need further help after adding up your scores.  You could print out your results and take them to your GP.  

Click Here to go directly to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, fill in the questionnaire, press 'Analyse Results' then Print


  • CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) where filtered air is delivered from a CPAP Machine via a hose/tube and into a Nasal or Full Face Mask, preventing the airways from collapsing.  There are different forms of CPAP machines, such as APAP, BIPAP, VPAP and your sleep doctor will advise the most appropriate treatment for you.
  • Dental Appliances and Oral Devices can sometimes be a suitable option.
  • Surgery is sometimes a consideration.


  • DO NOT drive a vehicle when tired.
  • Try to lose some weight.  Even losing as little as 10% of the body weight can reduce the amount of apnoeas.  Many diagnosed sleep apnoea sufferers have reported how much easier it is to lose weight once they are on successful treatment.
  • Try not to drink alcohol or eat within at least 3 hours of going to bed.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Try not to sleep on your back, and if possible, elevate the head of the bed by 4-6 inches.


According to the 'American Sleep Apnea Association,' "Sleep Apnea (Apnoea) is as common as adult diabetes, and affects more than 12 million Americans.  However, because of the lack of awareness by the public and even some healthcare professionals, the vast majority remain undiagnosed and, therefore, untreated - despite the fact that this serious disorder can have significant consequences."

According to the 'British Lung Foundation,' "it is estimated that about 110,000 people in the UK suffer from Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea.  Prevalence is higher in men than women and higher in those who are overweight.  It affects an esimated 4% of males and 2% of females in the UK, although it is thought to be considerably higher in specific groups and occupations, such as long-distance lorry drivers and shift workers, where the consequences can be fatal or lead to serious injury if left undiagnosed and untreated.  It is also esimated that only 1 in 10 patients with the syndrome have so far been diagnosed and treated.  The rate of treatment in the UK is lower than most other developed countries."


Sleep Apnoea (Apnea) is a serious condition, due to its links with other life threatening illnesses.  Not only will you lower your risks of these other illnesses, but you will start to feel so much better in yourself when you are on successful treatment.  



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Jul 19
Kath Hope replied to John's discussion Oropharyngeal exercises
"I would always be guided by Dr Vik Veer, who is the UK's leading ENT surgeon specialising in snoring, sleep apnoea and UARS. He doesn't say the exercises will cure moderate to severe sleep apnoea, but can help by strengthening the airway…"
Jun 17
Kath Hope replied to John's discussion A tale of two nasal dilators
"Good info thanks. I personally prefer nasal strips though."
Jun 17
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John posted a discussion

A tale of two nasal dilators

Trying to get my nose to stay open, I've been experimenting with nasal dilators.So far I tried two types.- Generic tubes from ebay, 50p each- Fancy Airmax £10Both are moulded silicon rubber.I would say the packaging for the Airmax, which is really…See More
Jun 9
Jonathan replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"Dab hand with a sewing machine :)  The "stethoscope" pipes were detachable with a bit of careful persuasion."
Jun 8
John replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"How did you fasten it?I suppose you could do it with tape or elastic bands. Cut up an old fleece jacket, wrap it round the tube, strap it up, bit of velcro. That sort of thing. I hadn't really thought of that."
Jun 8
John replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"Come to think of it you could likely double up a hose cozy, one over another.This is a piece of N95 face mask I used for high grade filtration. I just put it where the filter usually goes.This is around 6 months dirt I would say, thereabouts. I used…"
Jun 8
Jonathan replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"Neat clip for your hose! I used to use the Respironics Comfort Curve one of the best masks ever, now discontinued of course.  With its stethoscope-style tubing, I had to make my own fleecy cover."
Jun 8
John replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"Oh cool. Did you do any other DIY mods?I made a clamped strap to go on the headboard and lift the tube. Just a spare c-clamp with a bit of nylon strap and a clip but works well."
Jun 8
Jonathan replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"Yes, I bought some fleecy material and made my own "snuggle hose" 10+ years ago. "
Jun 8
John replied to John's discussion Airsense 10 -humidifier runs dry
"Did you try a sleeve for the tube, Jonathan? For rain out? I got one off ebay for a few quid and I think it helps. It's a fleece sleeve  you zip over the main tube."
Jun 7
John posted a discussion

Oropharyngeal exercises

I asked medics at the Castle Hill CPAP clinic about tongue and throat exercises. They said no evidence, and it can't work anyway because the muscles fully relax during sleep.Yet I'm watching Vik Veer, head of ENT at a London hospital, offer evidence…See More
Jun 7
John replied to John's discussion Nasal valve collapse
"Well I found out what the norm was by asking my doctor to do the Cottle maneuver on herself, and she said there was no difference with and without.Whereas for me it's massively different.The Cottle maneuver is where you pull the skin by the…"
May 31
John replied to John's discussion Short apneas - official definition
"It's a suspiciously round number I wonder how they arrived at it?I asked the People at Castle Hill and they didn't really enlighten me on it, but I was told that it's normal for people to have apnoeas, which I didn't know.I…"
May 31
Kath Hope replied to John's discussion Short apneas - official definition
"An apnoea or hypopnoea of less than 10 seconds won't be reported as an event, in the same way they're not reported on a sleep study, as that's the cut-off point."
May 31
Emma Matthews is now a member of Hope2SleepGuide
May 31
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May 30

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