A quick bit of background
Diagnosed with OSA about 7/8 years ago by my local sleep clinic and given a F &P Icon CPAP. After a couple of follow-up appts to sort out any issues, I was sent on my merry way. I have had no further face to face contact with the clinic since, having first ordered my consumable online and then by phone (always answerphone, never a person!). Recently I have been having early morning headaches which go when I get up, and also quite extreme face marking from my full face mask. Tried phoning the sleep clinic number (answerphone telling me they are running a limited service) and asked them to call me back - but heard nothing.
So my questions are:
Should I be worried about the headaches do you think?
Should my CPAP have been serviced or checked in the last few years?
Could my pressure been incorrect? I have lost quite a bit of weight recently (deliberately) and wonder now if I need less pressure?
Any advice on the face marking issue - I use the mask liners (have done for almost all the time I have used the CPAP) but still get these really deep "dents" where the mask sits.
I wonder if I might benefit from an auto-set machine? They weren't available on prescription 7/8 years ago, but are they now? I guess it depends on your NHS Trust. I would happily buy one but am worried about not having any support in how to use it (from the Sleep Clinic).
Sorry to ramble on, but not sure how to proceed if I can't get to talk to someone at the Clinic.
Thanks for reading.
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