Hi there,
I was diagnosed with OSA through a sleep study and have been using CPAP for a year.
However I still don't feel rested after sleep.
I have tried different masks and sleeping positions, also a humidifier but there's no improvement.
I would like to see a specialist/therapist privately to review the effectiveness and my options.
Any recommendations please?
I live in the Midlands but I'm willing to travel.
Thanks in advance,
Sorry Dave, but missed your post. Was your sleep study done by an NHS sleep clinic or privately, as the first place for help would really be best from the sleep consultant who did your initial sleep study and can view the data on your CPAP?
Hi Kath, thank you for your response.
I did a sleep study privately and the result diagnosed moderate OSA.
I purchased an automatic machine subsequently. The results from the machine have been analysed.
They came back saying 2 episodes an hour which they said is acceptable.
I never wake up feeling fully rested, some days are better than others.
Any ideas, suggestion or recommendations would be gratefully received.
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