Hello everyone, I started my therapy in January, and was given a form from the sleep lab and told to inform DVLA I have OSAS.
March 21st received a letter stating my licence has been revoked as of 17th March. Told to send in my licence.
I have reapplied for my licence but DVLA are taking their sweet time with it. I’ve been off work since being of March with other issues. I’m looking to return to work in middle of may, hoping my licence will be restored. Can’t currently return and do my duties as driving is part of my role.
Absolutely frustrating and now my car is dead as it hasn’t been used in a while, weekly engine starts and running up to temp hasn’t help keep my battery from dying.
Sorry to hear this and hope it is resolved soon. If you need any further help with DVLA there's a lot of info at SATA https://sleep-apnoea-trust.org/driving-and-sleep-apnoea/detailed-gu...
During height of covid it took 8 months for my license to come through. If you haven't yet, then maybe ask them how long it should take.
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