Dear all
I am using Respironics Aflex Auto CPAP machine for the last 8-10 months with 50% improvement in my sleep quality.Due to the fact that my nose gets blocked I use a full face mask.Unfortunately I still feel tired and sleepy by mid morning.Even while sleeping on the side I am gasping for breath sometimes.
However the readings in the machine shows an average pressure of 11-12 and AHI range of 8-11
What further needs to be done.Is the pressure inadequate ? Any help for a solution will be appreciated
I am aged 53
Sorry I only just spotted your post John. You'll probably know already that we are all hoping for an AHI of 5 or below and the fact yours is 8-11 is a little higher than this. I wonder if you'd be better having the minimum pressure of your APAP raised with you saying you're gasping for breathe sometimes (there may not be enough pressure at the lower end). I had to have mine raised when on APAP so it's worth speaking with your hospital about this.
Another thing I would do (if you don't already) is to use Breathe Right Strips to help open your nasal passages more and perhaps a nasal strap like Sterimar or a prescribed on from your GP. Again, this is something I have to do every night.
Make sure you don't have high mask leaks too, and do let us know how you get on.
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