Hi, This is my first time in a forum but I have so many unanswered questions I thought that it was the best way to find out. On Monday (5 days ago) I was diagnosed as having sleep apnoea. I looked online and thought that I would have to use a CPAP machine for a while then have surgery and carry on cured - now I realise that the CPAP machine is part of my life long term. Although I totally feel the benefits during the day I am finding going to bed difficult, in fact I dread it. I have a nasal mask as when I eventually fall asleep I do not breath through my mouth - the mask feels fine and I do not mind the air but I ma conscious of my breathing and feel as though I am not getting enough air into my lungs as I am not breathing through my mouth -whilst I know this is not true psychologically I panic and then my breathing gets worse and I feel I have to remove the mask - I then spend ages calming myself down, place the mask back on, but then after about an hour I wake and the whole thing happens again - Is this common at the beginning? do you eventually get used to it? would I be better with a full face mask?
I'm also really worried that if I get a cold I won't be able to breath - is this true?
Good Morning Aimee and hope that you managed some good sleep. Many of us will empathise with you when we're faced with the knowledge that for most people CPAP is for life, but we have to keep in mind that although we need to pop on a mask when we go to sleep, the benefits (as you're already discovering) are worth it. You just wait and see how you feel in another 6 months too after good safe sleep and your body has had a chance to heal from a lot of the damage that has taken place and you've also managed to repay your body some of the sleep debt that had built up over the years. Another plus to CPAP is that, although we have a longterm condition, it's one of the rare ones that doesn't involve us having to take medication. Have a read of how I came to terms with things http://www.sleepapnoeablog.com/is-cpap-a-blessing-or-a-curse/
You're doing really well in these early days and it's good that you're managing to nasal breathe during sleep, which is healthier, but not something all of us can do (me included). You're right that we do suddenly become more of aware of our breathing once we're told we have sleep apnoea. At present you'll be on a CPAP trial, so when you go back to the sleep clinic they will be checking the correct pressures you need, so tell them how you're feeling. You sound like you've almost overcome wearing the mask, but check out this article I wrote for people new to sleeping with masks in case there's some tips in there for you http://www.hope2sleep.co.uk/desensitisation-tips-for-new-cpap-and-v...
Your question as to whether you would need a full face mask would be if you're sure you're not mouth breathing during sleep, but a lot of people get around this by using a CPAP Chin Strap to encourage their mouths to stay closed. If you have a bed partner you could ask them if they notice you opening your mouth, or another clue would be if you find yourself waking with air escaping from your mouth.
A full face mask is always a good idea to have on standby for times like getting colds or allergy season etc., and you'll find another article on this on our main website http://www.hope2sleep.co.uk/blog/cpap-masks-with-a-cold.html
There are so many questions at the beginning that the over-stretched clinics have difficulty in addressing, but it's good you've found the forum and the private Facebook Group is also a great place of support.
Hope some of this helps, and give yourself a pat on the back at how you're adapting to life with CPAP already in these early day :)
Thank you Kath for all of the advice and for setting up the website and the forum - I have already found it a great comfort to know that other people are experiencing the same things and all of the advice. I have bought a few things from the site that I think will make me more comfortable like a hose stand and a less invasive mask as I like to read before sleep. :)
I had exactly the same experience for the first few nights with my full face mask.It was like the face hugger scene from Alien! I am claustrophobic and found myself panicking and fighting for breath. All I can say is try to keep calm and persevere. After a few unpleasant nights I got used to the mask and now it is such a part of my regular night time routine that I can't get to sleep without it.
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