Hello everyone. For sale is my night shift sleep positioner. For those of you that have not heard of it, it is a small device produced by American company, Advanced Brain Monitoring, which is worn around the neck whilst sleeping. The device senses when you shift position to lie on your back and vibrates which signals you to shift back onto your side. Data is collected by night shift sleep positioner and you can monitor the amount and quality of sleep you are getting. The objective is to train the user into avoiding suppine position. I was diagnosed with moderate osa and was told i was worse on my back. By not sleeping on my back I have been reclassified as having mild osa. Please see https:/www.advancedbrainmonitoring.com for full details of product.
£280 plus postage. Please feel free to ask questions, though I do suggest you read about the technical product details on the website.
Regards Alison
Alison you'd be better putting this in our Buy/Sell/Swap section than here. Here's the link http://hope2sleepguide.co.uk/group/buy-sell
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