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Just came across this article about a baby with a history of Sleep Apnoea found dead in her cot.  Why on earth wasn't she being treated?  So sad and so unnecessary.  Please pass this news on to anyone who'll listen.  This country needs to 'wake up' to the fact that Sleep Apnoea can strike at any age!!!!

Published on Thursday 26 January 2012 09:43

A WIGAN baby died after she was found in her cot inside a duvet cover.

Lavender Sophia Harris died at the Royal Edward Albert Infirmary on the morning of October 6, last year.

The one-year-old had been put to bed the night before in her cot with a duvet cover with all the buttons fastened, and when checked on at 10.30pm by her mum, Natasha Harris, was sleeping peacefully, Bolton Coroner’s Court heard.

At around 8.30am the next day, Natasha found her little girl unconscious in her cot - inside the duvet cover.

She was taken to Wigan Infirmary where doctors attempted to revive her but was pronounced dead just over an hour later.

Lavender of Westleigh Lane, Leigh, was described as a bright baby but during her short life had been diagnosed with asthma, was lactose intolerant and had experienced a case of sleep apnea.

Pathologist Melanie Newbould at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital who carried out a post-mortem, told the court that she could not ascertain a cause of death.

Dr Newbould said: “We had carried out all the tests available to us, on Lavender, but I was unable to find a cause of death.

“Lavender was found to have been suffering a viral infection at the time of her death and although she may have got into the bed linen, we cannot prove that she had suffocated leading that to be the cause of death.”

Dr Newbould confirmed to the court that while it was possible Lavender may have experienced another episode of sleep apnea, or a heart arrhythmia while inside the duvet cover - neither could not be proven during a post-mortem.

Deputy Coroner Alan Walsh said: “I am sure Lavender was a very well cared for child, and well looked after.

“It’s a great tragedy that sometimes babies die without being able to find out the cause of death.

“It’s a frustration that we have to deal with.

“I am sure it is unimaginable to lose your child but I am sure you have very happy memories from her short life.”

The coroner recorded an open verdict.

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how sad ((hugs)),

its right we do need to talk to others about the condition and make as many people aware of it. Its such a shame the NHS would never consider screening everyone for it. it could save many lives and possibly prevent many road accidents.

My heart goes out to the parents xx

They will eventually just as America and Australia does. All it took here was one death attributed to apnea after a surgery. It will happen.

Roz B said:

how sad ((hugs)),

its right we do need to talk to others about the condition and make as many people aware of it. Its such a shame the NHS would never consider screening everyone for it. it could save many lives and possibly prevent many road accidents.

My heart goes out to the parents xx

I had no idea, but thats great they do. We are always behind here!!

There must be countless unexplained deaths caused by things like this. It isn't possible to prevent all tragedies and even if this child had stopped breathing in the past, it doesn't follow that cpap for example would have been the answer in her case. We really don't have enough information (any more than the coroner did) to ascertain cause of death. It might have been untreated OSA but it might have been something else.

It would be lovely to be able to have all the answers to life and death etc but we will probably never have them and we must just stay alert and do our very best to promote better treatment for as many people as we can. Sites like this one make a difference. People campaigning on our behalves make a difference. We need to be proactive and not wait for someone else to do the work. Things only change when enough people speak up and fight for the causes that matter!

(I'm on my bandwagon again! Sorry folks! )


Is that true Rock?  Do they automatically check babies after birth?  So many lives could be saved if that's the case.  I read a study (which I can't find now) which followed lots of babies into adulthood that nearly died of SIDS, but thankfully were saved due to resuscitation, and a massive percentage of them had sleep apnoea as they grew.

RockRpsgt said:

They will eventually just as America and Australia does. All it took here was one death attributed to apnea after a surgery. It will happen.

Yes Alice you're right.  We don't know all the details, ie whether in hindsight the parents realised their precious baby has stopped breathing a few times, or whether the medics knew beforehand and no treatment was given.  The fact is that more awareness needs to be made in our country that sleep apnoea affects people of all ages.  There are many kids struggling with ADHD symptoms (misdiagnosed OSA often) and academic problems, when they should be tested for sleep disorders.  Hopefully, the British Lung Foundation's Sleep Apnoea Campaign will address all of this very soon.

Alice said:

What a sad loss for the parents.  All babies are a blessing and special, something should have been done sooner.  I hope a lesson has been taught from this.  Sometimes the parents know best and should follow their heart.

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"Thanks Kath, I'll hope that they don't pick up on it if I don't tick that box in three years time! I'll apply in good time just in case."
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"Thanks Kath, I had tried to contact Vueling about this but hadn't found the web page so that's really helpful."
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Kath Hope replied to Antony Warren's discussion Reporting to DVLA
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