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One Year on! Just back from the Sleep Clinic first annual review so just thought I'd briefly update my experience.
I've been fortunate enough to have been very lucky and taken to CPAP like the "proverbial duck to water". The immediate removal of numerous symtoms such as waking up to visit the loo 5/6 times a night, waking up in hot sweats, coughing/ choking fits, dry mouth/throat, acid reflux, cramps, blue lips, horrendeous snoring and the banishment of excessive daytime sleepiness have been accompanied by my blood pressue and liver functions returning to normal. This has also enabled me to loose 26kg since I was first diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea which now begs the question of do I still actually have sleep apnea and is it still as severe? Consequently the Sleep Clinic is arranging for me to repeat my original home study test check this out.
I am wondering what others experience may have been after a year on CPAP accompanied by significant weight loss and their Sleep Clinics reaction? I am also concerned that after a year of treatment I may be okay for one night but may take more than one day to show itself! (As I have my own O2 monitor and machine I won't be left high & dry as were).

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get your own CPAP now as i smell that the NHS may want your machine returned 

be warned 

that is excellent progress you describe get your own cpap

Hi there, I all ready have my own machine as a backup and oximeter so am covered for that eventuality and will require more proof than one overnight home oximeter test after 1years 100% use of apap/cpap. Not sure of the implications with DVLA and insurance companies after notifying been diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apanea - is the sleep clinic going to give me a letter stating I no longer have it?  Anyway have to have test and see how it pans out.



good for you for planning ahead of time

do not tell of your machine backup  

also should your nhs machine be removed your backup may be serviced by the nhs anually

Fantastic news Colin of all the positive effects your CPAP treatment have resulted in, and you certainly were lucky to take to it like a 'duck to water.'  It's great to hear of your weight loss as well, and you must surely feel like a different man through all of this   It's good your hospital are doing a repeat sleep study and if they do say you're cured then ask them for the statistics from the study.  You may well be one of the lucky minority whose sleep apnoea was only caused by the weight, as opposed to the majority where the untreated sleep apnoea actually caused the weight gain.  I wrote an article on this a while ago http://www.sleepapnoeablog.com/obesity-weight-problems/

Do let us know the outcome, and good luck!

Hi there, got my repeat home sleep study organised now for 27th June so I'll report back when I get the results!

Will be interesting to hear how it goes after your weight loss Colin.  Good luck....

Seems I've got a letter in the post confirming my condition has "resolved itself" and they want my machine back and that appears to be me "dismissed" from the Sleep Clinic. Nothing I didn't expect and I'm not concerned because I too have my own machine and oximeter and obviously know what signs to watch out for and how to treat myself if necessary.
Bit of a rollercoaster ride really finding out a year ago I had a serious condition which caused so many symptoms which I hardly knew I had and blowing air up my nose while I slept instantly cured most of- a year later 26kg lighter and I'm one of the lucky ones to beat OSA.

I have been more of a silent forum surfer but have found this and other forums really useful and it was of comfort to know I was not alone in my CPAP journey and to be true I have found it a walk in the park compared to many peoples experiences and hopefully my experience can inspire and show others that in some cases OSA can in fact resolve itself with weight loss!
Still will never know whether sleep apnea caused my weigh gain of vice versa.


Colin, that's fabulous news - I'm so pleased for you Glad to hear the forum has been helpful to you whilst you needed it too!

With you having been cured of sleep apnoea through weight loss, my guess is that in your case the weight was causing the apnoeas, which is a great incentive to keep it off.  I came across another man recently who had lost 5 stone at Slimming World and he too was cured.  He laughed and said he'd better stay as a lifetime Slimming World member now, as no way does he want to go back to his CPAP!

Glad you have your oximeter and own machine, so you can keep an eye on things, as if you're vulnerable to sleep apnoea then if it does return in the future you'll spot it easily.  Hopefully, this won't be the case, and my best wishes for your CPAPless future

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