Ive been going for the last year now, and the girl told me that cos i have severe obstructive sleep apnea, they would work with me on getting the right mask and it didnt matter how long it took for me to get it up and running.. prior to this i hadnt went near them for years and they never contacted me.!!! which i thought a bit weird since now theyre breathin down my neck. well i was given 3 different apps. from January this year, i hated the mask, and the presssure thing .. it was putting me round the bend and woke me up constantly, it was dreadful to be honest.. theyve taken the machine off me... oh i was soooo p***ed off to be honest.. it worked out i was only getting approx. 1 and a half hours usage from the machine in total, which is prob. all the sleep i got anyway, the rest was wee naps thru the nite but more awake than asleep... soo ive asked for an app. to be set up for me to get back to the consultant who set me up on the machine.. lets see wot his conclusion is.. im with him on 13th of June, so will keep u posted as to that outcome..
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