Hi Everyone,
I have recently purchased and started to use a heated hose with my dream station humidifier as my unheated hose used to 'bubble and gurgle' with condensation and also wet my face, even on a 2 or 3 setting and even when I used a hose cover.
The heated hose must be working as I have had no condensation in the tube or in my mask. However, the hose does not feel 'warm to the touch'. Is this normal? As my bedroom is very cool and I suffer with a very dry mouth (I am primarily a mouth breather) I have the hose and heater settings at 5 and my mouth is still very dry but more tolerable than before.
Also, a daft question - for comfort reasons is it ok to put my hose cover on the heated hose?
I have a simplus full face mask - what 'mask type' resistance setting do I need to enter on my machine, which has settings from 1-5. From internet research x1 seems to the most common opinion.
Re 'Flex' - setting I currently have it on 2, having reduced it from 3 because I found it more comfortable to breathe at this setting. Will this reduction affect my AHI's?
A lot of questions from a newbie but it is another 2 weeks before my next review.
Hi John,
The heated hose will just be warn and not hot enough to really feel it, so it is quite normal that you will not feel it warm.
Humidifier and heated hose settings is something you just have to play around with to get right for yourself. Give yourself enough humidity and adjust the hose to stop condensation. Everyone ends up with different settings.
I see no reason why you can't cover the hose, but why not just turn up the humidity and adjust it so it feel humid without condensation appearing in the hose.
The mask settings for the machine I have no idea. Most machines just have a setting for Nasal Pillows, Nasal mask or Full-faced masks. Maybe someone else will answer this.
3 is the mast pressure relief, reducing it to 2 will improve things, if you turn it off altogether it will be even better, however, if you need it you need it. Most Apnoeas happen when breathing in and not out, so having it on is not a big problem.
Maybe you need to ask more questions here then. Though you might get more than one answer.
Thank you for your answers. They are really helpful.
The humidifier situation is really costing me a lot of sleep as I keep waking to adjust settings and check the temperature of the water. I am not sure if it is working properly or not. I get a really dry mouth and itchy nose with no humidity. My bedroom is cold at night as we have solid wooden floors. I have tried the humidifier at lots of different settings from 2 up to 5. The first hour or two of use seems to be ok then the humidifier and heated hose seem to turn themselves off. The other night I got up after 3 - 4 hours and the water in the humidifier was cold. How hot should the humidifier bath get? Should it produce a steam vapour to inhale? The hottest it seems to get is between tepid and hot.
It seemed to work better with the unheated hose but condensation was a problem.
I am not sure about the dream station, but if the humidifier has an AUTO setting, put it on manual.
I just looked up the manual and it has an adaptive setting, turn this setting off and work the temperature settings manually, the adaptive settings do not work all that well, most people still complain they feel to dry and there is not enough humidification.
Page 13 of the manual.
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Hi Sleep to snore,
Thanks once again for your support. I have turned the adaptive setting off and defaulted to fixed. The sleep clinic also recommended this. I went to sleep with the hose on 2 and humidifier on 3. When I woke up about 4 hours later the humidifier was stone cold. I reset the heated hose and humidifier settings at 5 and it stayed on till I woke up.
This does not result in 'wet face' and I find it comfortable.
Maybe I need to try a different mask. I will discuss it with the sleep clinic.
It is very much a setting of your own choice, I also found the lower settings did very littel.
You just have to play around and adjust things slowly until you find a sweet spot.
I am not going to comment where my mind has wondered to now :-! lol.
Hi John,
It may help if you switch on the preheat function on the DreamStation main menu before you go to bed. It warms up the humidifier for 30 minutes and switches itself off to get things warmed up.
I tend to have the hose and humidifier on 5 (max) and for me, the humidifier just lessens the dry mouth syndrome and doesnt eliminate it completely. Like Sleep2snore said, try different settings to see what suits you best.
To be honest, I was getting used to having a dry mouth when using the machine before I got the humidifier so persevere with it.
Hi John,
I had the same problem until I disvovered that the setting for the heating was “adaptive” (works following a piece of software that switches the humidifier on/off during the night), as opposed to “fixed”. I changed it to fixed and I now get the benefits of the humidifier all night - and the hose is warm.
Good luck.
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