You won't believe what those inventive Japanese have come up with now: so often introducing products we never knew we wanted, let alone needed, they have now introduced their own take on Sleep Apnoea.
We already know that CPAP-Therapy doesn't help with night-time rituals, it's something of a deterrent to any thoughts of love and certainly won't impress a new partner! Even a kiss is out of the question, let alone anything more demonstrative.But the resourceful Japanese have taken account of this problem, apparently, and have come up with their solution: The Sleep Apnoea Teddy.
No-one really wants to wear a face-mask while they're asleep, it just doesn't look good. There is a much better way of dealing with Sleep Apnoea.
You lie in bed, cuddled up to your Teddy, and Teddy is wired up to a couple of sensors which take account of your breathing pattern. Concealed in one paw is a finger-pulse oxymeter, in which you place your finger, again connected to a sensor and a PC.
There's no nasal-mask, no full-face mask, no CPAP. However, when Teddy's sensors detect an 'apnoea', Teddy reaches out his other arm and gives you a hefty whack across the face to wake you up!
So much better than CPAP, don't you think? No, I haven't made this up, you can see it for yourselves at:
Sweet Dreams
You would still be having events as well.
Terry Vella said:
Richard, I believe you are not making it up but doesn't it defeat the purpose of having a good nights sleep as I would be woken 30 times an hour lol.
That is the funnist pointless thing ever!! we dont wanna be woke up, been there done that,couldnt cope!! hahaha think i will stick to my cpap machine and get a good nites kip!!
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