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Nocturnal Epilepsy...Any one else have this,as well as severe OSA?

i knew it !!! always said there was somet not right, i knew i shouldnt still be tired with cpap..everyone was doin so brill, but not me,

i go to Neurology Clinic 1st oct (thats an emergency appointment)

they dont rush..lol...

has anyone else been through this???


paula x x


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Oh No!  Sorry to read this Paula and please do keep us informed.  I've heard of people suffering from nocturnal seizures, but not come across people with both this and OSA.   Take care.

Aww Thanks,i will let u know...x x

I'm on mission to find someone else in the same boat as you Paul, so watch this space.....

paula jones said:

Aww Thanks,i will let u know...x x

aww thanks,your so brill..i really do think i will test postive for it...im having fits every 10mins through the nite only lasting 10 seconds at a time,but still cant get into a deep sleep so im just as tired,..my poor hubby,good job he loves me..lol...my OSA is down 0 apneas so i should be buzzin but im not, always knew there was something else wrong with me,a few mths ago i got put on Citalopram,because i was low with Tirdness,now its done me good cause its toke my irritable stress wotnot away and im more chilled out, but not more awake haha vicious circle....but hopefully with treatment (yet again) i will be more alert and awake..fingers crossed...thanks x x

Paula, did your seizures only start after taking the Citalopram as apparently they can cause them?

Got this from this website http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/23861

4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use

Paradoxical anxiety:

Some patients with panic disorder may experience intensified anxiety symptoms at the start of treatment with antidepressants. This paradoxical reaction usually subsides within the first two weeks of starting treatment. A low starting dose is advised to reduce the likelihood of a paradoxical anxiogenic effect (see section 4.2).


In patients with diabetes, treatment with an SSRI may alter glycaemic control. Insulin and/or oral hypoglycaemic dosage may need to be adjusted.


Seizures are a potential risk with antidepressant drugs. Citalopram should be discontinued in any patient who develops seizures. Citalopram should be avoided in patients with unstable epilepsy and patients with controlled epilepsy should be carefully monitored. Citalopram should be discontinued if there is an increase in seizure frequency.

So glad you have a reason for knowing you are still tired Paula, but sorry to hear about your seirzures :(  How was the seizures found out, did your husband see them happening or were you tested for this?  The reason I am asking is last night I managed to sleep for 5hrs at one time which is the first time since Dec 2011 that I have slept so long :(.  The most I normally sleep at a time is 1/2 hours and I am always tired still, even although I use my CPAP every night.

Isla x

Kath..might go bk docs after reading that last bit, but dont think its the Citalopram that making me have seizures the time scale doesnt fit,but that last bit is abit worrying,.....Isla,iv got my first appointment 1st oct with neurology,my hubby noticed them,its only been goin on about 4wks,..its a new thing but its every 10mins,about 10seconds...hope u get sorted Isla,Godbless x x

Thought it was worth a mention Paula, just in case.  Is there any chance of you getting that appointment with neurology brought forward, bearing in mind how often it's happening?  This must be very worrying for you.

it is worrying,but  mic worrys more,as i asleep and i really dont know about it,till he tells me..same as OSA your asleep and unaware, the appointment i have now is an Emergancy one,so i dont think..but gonna make an appointment with doc about my tablets..im only on the littlist dose 10mg,.just gotta wait..will keep u all informed as it happens...Thanks everyone x x

Hi Paula

Sorry to hear you are having so many issues with your health. You say that you started taking the Citalopram a few months back and the seizures started 4 weeks ago. That isn't really a big gap and it is quite a coincidence so I would go to your doctor straight away, my guess is he/she will take you off them. A friend of mine was on antidepressants but it was for depression and after taking them for a fortnight she started having severe headaches and the doctor told her to stop taking them straight away. Unfortunately she had to wait 2 weeks before she could start on new ones.

It always takes ages to get an appointment with my doc but you really need a quick response with this Paula so ask for an emergency appointment and if they won't give you one tell them you want to speak with the doctor on the phone urgently. At least if you come off Citalopram then the tabs can be discounted if you are still having the seizures when they investigate on the 1st of October.

Take care


Good advice there Julie - too much of a coincidence which is worth investigating.

yep u do have a good point,iv been on holiday all this wk,just got bk today,i do have intenions of seeing doc this wk,will fone up monday morning...i must say though,i love the way the tabs make me feel,im not as stressed out and irritable..im gonna be gutted coming off them,they have changed me for the better, Well  during the day anyway..but im now thinking it might be the tabs..but still gonna get checked out least id know one way r the other which one it is...Thanks x x x

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