My 12yr old son has sleep apnoea and is complaing of feeling tied worst in the mornings even he uses the cpac at night, early nights don't seem to help. can anyone give one advice on how to help my son.
He is under the hospital for this.
He would also like to meet other teenagers with this condition.
Karen, Has your son been to an ENT? Does he still have his tonsils and adenoids. Is it possible that you could post a picture of him. I am particularly interested in his smile and normal mouth position. Specifically is he all gums when he smiles?
For the record Mary, I've just re-read your previous post and think it was a very good one. Even for us adults we tend to think we can abuse other parts of our sleep hygiene as long as we put our masks on at night. I'm guilty of staying up too late on the laptop then going straight to bed without having had some time-out. I do read in bed though which helps. "Do as I say, not as I do" springs to mind In my defence, I am always online too late helping others - not playing games lol.
There was nothing wrong with any of your post, Mary
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