Hi all,
Just a line to say I am coming up to my 2nd month of CPAP and have had little trouble averaging AHI of 0.4 and 7.42 hours use per night!
I had prior to my diagnosis being tested for diabetes and have just been back for a 3 month test as although my sugar was shown as normal at the time my previous reading had shown it as being high ( my father has type 2 diabetes so I have a 50% chance of having it anyway ). I am told my readings are now much improved but have been summoned to see my doctor and told I have liver damage!
On googling sleep apnea and liver damage it appears that there is a link between the two and I am wondering if others on the forum would like to share any experience of this and what treatment if any and outcome of such treatment? ( Incidentally a search of the forum for liver damage yielded no results which surprises me when reading the clinical trials appear to prove quite conclusively the link between severe sleep apnea and liver damage)!
Colin, I can't answer you question specifically about liver damage but I see Kath has posted about link between SA and type 2 diabetes, which make sense. Sleep Apnea may or may not contribute to any number of illness's, whether it's through sleep deprivation or things like lack of blood and oxygen going through our bodies and not getting to our vital organs like our hearts and brains. It wouldn't surprise me that SA could be contributing to the higher number of patients being diagnosed with Dementia as well. It would be nice if governments spent more money on researching what causes illness's than wasting it on other things and all countries are the same not just mine.
Yes, I've read about the links with sleep apnoea and liver damage too. I daresay that there'll be a lot of people with both who haven't connected the dots, as even a lot of medics haven't. I've spoken to many people who have had heart attacks and strokes in the past, yet none of the relative consultants even mentioned sleep apnoea to them, and it was often picked up several years later. However, if, like Terry says, more research was done and published widely for the cause of illnesses we would have a healthier nation. For years there has been plenty of focus on eating, drinking, smoking and exercise - yet very little on sleep. In sleep deprived people all the latter are hard to get in control. Sort out the sleep, then a lot of other things will fall into place. I strongly believe that sleep is the missing link ignored for centuries!
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