I'm thinking about getting a Pulse Ox. looking at the notesn the latest Sleepyhead software it says its compatable with the Contec CMS50 Oximeters.
has anyone any experience of using these with Sleephead. I see that there are differant models as well varying in price from £25 to £60 . do they all work & have logging.
David, I've not used mine with Sleepyhead - I just stick with the supplied software. The Contec are good little machines for home use + known for their accuracy, but the ones you need will be more expensive than £60 - you have to have one with the capability of recording overnight to see if you're having 02 desats when asleep. The one I have with the best price in the UK is this one from here http://www.clinicalguard.com/wristband-pulse-oximeter-cms50f-with-s... - the CMS 50F. There's also a finger one without the wrist watch, but I don't like that type as they can easily fall off during sleep. it's the CMS 50E but there's also the CMS 50D+ which is probably an old model now http://www.clinicalguard.com/oximeters-for-sale-p-89.html
Hi, I have a Contec CMS-50e, and tried using it with SleepyHead without success. However, it works just fine with the Contec software. I purchased it in March 2009, and unfortunately the display is fading! It now goes between dim and invisible (and once it's "invisible") it's quite hard to work out how to turn the brightness up again! They are available on Amazon from £72.50. If you can afford it, the CMS-50f that Kath suggests does look easier to use overnight. Jonathan.
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