Since about the end of July Ive started having a lot more leaks from a total leaks of 45 to 84 since July even though I clean & degrease the mask daily and there are no rips in the cushion.
Also my AH has gone up as well from av 1.51 to 3.61 in the same period. My clinic has a policy of only allowing one mask per year. My yearly appt is in Nov so they should give me a new mask then so it looks like I shall have to wait till then before my AHI drops again unless I buy a new mask which I'm loath to do at present.
David, do you use maskliners and have the hose coming from above your head? They have been the most beneficial things for me with leaks. I use a Resmed FFM and have had it for 18 months without changing it with little leaks. Our system in Australia is different, we have to pay for pretty much evrything ourselves so we need them to last as long as possible. With the mask liners, i only wash the mask twice a week and the liners keep the oil from my face from touching the cushion which I think has made it last longer.
Hi Terry
I dont use liners but kath has just sent me a couple to try but not done so yet. Ive been using a hose lift for several months though. Ive got a Respironics full fit mask. as I said above its been fine for 8 months but now leaking a lot. The wife is complaining with all the farting noises waking her up!!!!!
My yearly appt is Nov so hopefully get a new one. If not I'll have to have Santa bring me one.
Do the straps need a bit of adjusting, there is a cheaper alternative to liners nit sure if you have seen my previous posts on it, if not I'll re post.
Adapted, with publisher's permission, from Chapter 3 of ‘CPAP and Ventilator Secrets’
You may find that your pillow dislodges or distorts the mask when you lay on your side.
Special pillows have been designed to be compatible with wearing a mask.
Ask Kath at Hope2Sleep about them.
David, bearing in mind you had no problems until just recently, I'm sure it's just because you are well and truly ready for a new mask/cushion. If we were in the US with Medicare Insurance you wouldn't believe how often we'd get replacements parts! Check out this link and watch the video
I would ring the clinic and ask if they can see you asap.
When I used to use the masks with replaceable cushions I used to purchase the cushions and filters myself in between the annual clinic visits. Thankfully, my FitLife cushion seems to last a lot longer, which is a good thing as the cushion and mask are all one unit - probably because it seals around the edge of the face.
Just to correct myself its the Comfort Full2 so you cant get sapre cushions. Thanks Kath I'll give them a ring and see if I can bring my appt forward.
Ive tried straps tight & loose always fiddling when its leaking, I wash my face just before bed & the mask is degreased so its got to be the mask.
It's definitely replacement time David, and am sure your clinic will bring your appointment forward. This is why it's good more manufacturers are bringing out masks with replacement parts, to cut down the cost of a new mask. I've not had a new Hybrid for years, as I just replace the pillows, mouth piece and straps as and when.
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