
Sleep Apnoea Forum Bringing Help + Support to the Patient

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Welcome to the Hope2SleepGuide Forum, which is a service run by the Hope2Sleep Charity founded by Kath Hope with a marvellous team of trustees and volunteers. 

Kath herself has severe sleep apnoea and hypoventilation/hypercapnia, and has used CPAP for several years and is now on non-invasive ventilation.  Our trustees and volunteers are all either sufferers of sleep disordered breathing or clinicians/medics working in this field, and most importantly, we are all passionate in supporting (with empathy) others and raising awareness to help people live healthier and more energised lives.


Whilst we do not give medical advice, more often than not, with support, tips and knowledge, people can overcome any problems experienced with our therapy, and there is a whole page dedicated to this on the website http://www.hope2sleep.co.uk/tips-for-problems-sleeping-with-cpap-or...


Please come and join us, and don’t feel obligated to use your ‘real’ name if you prefer to remain anonymous as this is a public forum.  Don’t be shy in posting and sharing, as we’re all in this together and to help each other.

Best Wishes for good sleep!


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Just popping in to say Hello.

I haven't been diagnosed with sleep apnea not do I have a CPAP machine but after 40 years of intensive snoring and the worry of causing distress to anyone with close radius I am attending the doctors to try and get permission to purchase a machine.
So with so many choices and options I was hoping to try and get some valuable feedback to assist me in finding a machine.
I am currently using Snorelab to record my snoring, I dont even know how my wife can sleep through it :-( 

Thanks in advance for any feedback. 


your gp will refer you to your local sleep clinic. they will test your pulse and o2 levels during the night. if the results indicate sleep apnea they will provide a pump and a mask. i woudl advise asking for a humidifier unit as well.


Thank You Iain,
I am seeing GP tomorrow with my evidence collected so far,  hopefully they will be compliant and assist me going forward, I was looking to just purchase a machine and I agree I did see the humidifier machines which do look a lot more capable.
Will update on progress.

Iain Noble said:


your gp will refer you to your local sleep clinic. they will test your pulse and o2 levels during the night. if the results indicate sleep apnea they will provide a pump and a mask. i woudl advise asking for a humidifier unit as well.


How did you get on at the GP Royston?  Hopefully, you got a sleep clinic referral as you do need a diagnosis for a CPAP machine which is a prescription item.

Royston Tucker said:

Thank You Iain,
I am seeing GP tomorrow with my evidence collected so far,  hopefully they will be compliant and assist me going forward, I was looking to just purchase a machine and I agree I did see the humidifier machines which do look a lot more capable.
Will update on progress.

Iain Noble said:


your gp will refer you to your local sleep clinic. they will test your pulse and o2 levels during the night. if the results indicate sleep apnea they will provide a pump and a mask. i woudl advise asking for a humidifier unit as well.


Hi Kath,

Thank you for your message, I attend the GP surgery and provided my evidence and completed the simple online test which all concluded I needed a referral which is great but I was told there is a long waiting list so I am not sure where that leaves me.

I have been carrying out my own recording of sound and video and its rather difficult to hear and watch to be honest with an average of 38 seconds upwards before the gasp for breath and waking up.
Fingers crossed it doesn't take too long before I get to see someone.

Kath Hope said:

How did you get on at the GP Royston?  Hopefully, you got a sleep clinic referral as you do need a diagnosis for a CPAP machine which is a prescription item.

Royston Tucker said:

Thank You Iain,
I am seeing GP tomorrow with my evidence collected so far,  hopefully they will be compliant and assist me going forward, I was looking to just purchase a machine and I agree I did see the humidifier machines which do look a lot more capable.
Will update on progress.

Iain Noble said:


your gp will refer you to your local sleep clinic. they will test your pulse and o2 levels during the night. if the results indicate sleep apnea they will provide a pump and a mask. i woudl advise asking for a humidifier unit as well.


Hi Bob

I just replied to your other post and have the answer here (that it's APAP you're on).  Nobody will have a go at you on here, about driving, as you've clearly said that you don't drive when tired which is responsible!  Good to hear, despite how you feel, you've managed to do some good travel.  We have a motorhome too and use it for leisure and the charity work.

Regarding terminology, see if this link on our main website helps https://www.hope2sleep.co.uk/a-to-zzz-of-sleep-definitions-and-abbr...

Daytime tiredness can also be linked to other things and the biggest things linked with sleep apnoea are B12 and Vit D definiciencies, plus diabates and hypothyroidism, so it would be worth getting blood tests for these.  Also, you say about other medical conditions, and very often the medication alone can cause tiredness.  Some of them can even cause sleep apnoea, which I thought was mentioning with you saying you have it mild.

Bob Young said:

Thanks for letting me join your group. I have been on CPAP/APAP since 2012 and have mild sleep apnea. I started with a Philips Resmed unit and now have a Dreamstation, all supplied via the NHS.

My results have always met the criteria laid down which says it is doing what it should be and for fear of losing my driving licence I have never admitted the truth.. I don't drive unless I'm fit and always share driving with my wife, and stop if I get tired, so please don't castigate me about that, but I have problems and I'm hoping to try to find answers here.

I have tried to learn what all the terminology means and all the abbreviations but for some reason it just hasn't sunk in. Maybe I feel resistant to it all. I'm usually really quite good at understanding medical matters, I have several major health issues and I learn about how the meds work and try to understand options and alternatives, but this Apnea thing just drives me nuts...!

My consultant has been less than helpful and I have va GP (I think) who is un-seeable and generally considered in the town to be the most unhelpful Dr in england.. But he's the only show in town so I'm stuck with him too..

A bit at wits end with it all and need some constructive help.

Sorry to be a bit down on the whole thing.

On the up side I have travelled a bit with my machine, to Australia, Hong Kong and around Europe and I have used it camping in a tent and in caravan & motorhome etc.

I learned the hard way not to descale my humidifier, or use anything to sweeten the flavour as almost everything attacks the seal on the heater plate.

I went through several different masks from nasal masks to full face with chin straps and the only thing I found works is a real full face - FitLife mask.

Thanks and Hello,


Hi everyone, 

I thought I'd introduce myself. I am Sophie and I was diagnosed with OSA a year ago. I am managing okay with the mask and think it is helping my health overall. I am, however, struggling more with feeling down in the past few months - I'm hoping that getting to know others in a similar situation will help.


Sorry for the delayed welcome Sophie.  Great to hear things are going well with CPAP and some people do feel a little down at first.  If you use Facebook I'd highly recommend joining our Private Support Group which is far more active than this forum and you'll meet loads of people in there https://www.facebook.com/groups/SleepApnoeaSupportAndAwareness/

Also see if this article helps you https://www.sleepapnoeablog.com/is-cpap-a-blessing-or-a-curse/

Sophie said:

Hi everyone, 

I thought I'd introduce myself. I am Sophie and I was diagnosed with OSA a year ago. I am managing okay with the mask and think it is helping my health overall. I am, however, struggling more with feeling down in the past few months - I'm hoping that getting to know others in a similar situation will help.


Hello everyone,
I've recently  been diagnosed with OSA but not yet provided with the mask or machine. I have found several of my out patient appnts have been cancelled and hope that my sleep clinic on the 5th May isn't, but I won't be surprised if it is.
I am considering buying my own machine once I get the sleep study reports which was done several weeks ago, but from what I've read I'd choose automatic that is very quiet and has good reviews. I don't need a travel one just my first OSA machine with the appropriate mask and tubing.

So if anyone has tried a few and has any suggestions for a quiet home based auto-machine I would be grateful to read your experiences.Thank you for having me and I've been a shift worker all of my life and now retired at 57 due to health problems.

I'm overweight with severe respiratory problems and have chronic severe arthritis with gout on top in my knees causing excruciating pain. I also have very big tonsils!!

I've been an in patient with sepsis, & chest infections 4 times since last September so any suggestions will be welcomed.
Thank you again for accepting me.

Hi Lynn

I bought my machine many (many!) years ago.  It's a DeVilbiss Intellipap (also sold as a SleepCube) APAP machine and I am very happy with it although no doubt the technology has moved on.  I am replying to mention that I bought my machine with a humidifier.  Some people need a humidifier, some don't.  Depending on where you buy from, it's sometimes a lot cheaper to buy both together.

Having said that, I hope your clinic offers you a telephone appointment and prescribes you an NHS machine there and then.

Kath will be able to advise if you can buy a machine without a prescription.

Lynn Mattimoe said:

Hello everyone,
I've recently  been diagnosed with OSA but not yet provided with the mask or machine. I have found several of my out patient appnts have been cancelled and hope that my sleep clinic on the 5th May isn't, but I won't be surprised if it is.
I am considering buying my own machine once I get the sleep study reports which was done several weeks ago, but from what I've read I'd choose automatic that is very quiet and has good reviews. I don't need a travel one just my first OSA machine with the appropriate mask and tubing.

So if anyone has tried a few and has any suggestions for a quiet home based auto-machine I would be grateful to read your experiences.Thank you for having me and I've been a shift worker all of my life and now retired at 57 due to health problems.

I'm overweight with severe respiratory problems and have chronic severe arthritis with gout on top in my knees causing excruciating pain. I also have very big tonsils!!

I've been an in patient with sepsis, & chest infections 4 times since last September so any suggestions will be welcomed.
Thank you again for accepting me.

Hi Sophie 
I'm new to OSA and haven't been supplied with a machine or mask yet but due to the virus my local hospital are canceling all appointments.

I hope to experience the machine and mask and I've asked for a copy of my sleep study to buy a machine If necessary, and I'll pay for a private test if needed as my oxygen saturation drops really low into the 60s and has been into the 40s when I was unconscious.

I will get one prescribed and hope that I experience the difference from being  somewhat confused, foggy thoughts and fatigue to feeling more refreshed. As long as I remember I've had insomnia but with a lifetime of steroids I'm obese, unable to walk due to severe arthritis and yet 5 years ago I was working full time to now being in a wheelchair. I suppose we may all have similar stories but I'm hoping to be inspired and learn about  the better  machines and masks and read everyone's stories. I believe feeling low is a symptom of sleep apnoea, I'm not certain but my partner reads up everything.xxx

Kath Hope said:

Sorry for the delayed welcome Sophie.  Great to hear things are going well with CPAP and some people do feel a little down at first.  If you use Facebook I'd highly recommend joining our Private Support Group which is far more active than this forum and you'll meet loads of people in there https://www.facebook.com/groups/SleepApnoeaSupportAndAwareness/

Also see if this article helps you https://www.sleepapnoeablog.com/is-cpap-a-blessing-or-a-curse/

Sophie said:

Hi everyone, 

I thought I'd introduce myself. I am Sophie and I was diagnosed with OSA a year ago. I am managing okay with the mask and think it is helping my health overall. I am, however, struggling more with feeling down in the past few months - I'm hoping that getting to know others in a similar situation will help.


Hi there - just saying hello - I’ve been using a cpap machine for about 4 years now after so many years of trying to convince an old GP something was wrong. Moved and new GP said - let’s test you for sleep apnoea!

Have moved again so have had to go through the rigmarole registration to a new hospital and a new machine. Now have to return old machine to old hospital - 160 miles away! Not essential travel at the moment. I don’t even know if I can post it back even I could get to a post office (and I wouldn’t want to overload our postal services staff at the moment. 

Trouble I am having at the moment is getting water for the humidifier- not sure what to do.

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Jonathan replied to Jonathan's discussion ResMed AirSense 10 getting noisy
"Just to tidy this up, I finally had an in-person review by my sleep clinic yesterday, who agreed the ResMed AirSense 10 was "wheezy" and replaced the machine."
Nov 9
Collette rose replied to Collette rose's discussion 1st time and I’ve failed the mask leak test
"thank you jonathan,i did get the it pack so tried the small and still struggled but i was sat up in bed so will try lying down great suggestion "
Nov 3
Jonathan replied to Collette rose's discussion 1st time and I’ve failed the mask leak test
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1st time and I’ve failed the mask leak test

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Oct 29
John replied to John's discussion evil mask noise
"Ha well it lasted a couple of days but started howling again. But it's a step in the right direction, just needs a bit more work."
Oct 24
Jonathan replied to John's discussion Has anyone been told root cause of their OSA?
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Jonathan replied to John's discussion evil mask noise
"Good to know you found a solution!"
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John replied to John's discussion Has anyone been told root cause of their OSA?
"Did anyone tell you exactly what the anatomical issue is, Jonathan?"
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John replied to Jonathan's discussion ResMed AirSense 10 getting noisy
"Can't say I know about this."
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John replied to John's discussion evil mask noise
"So I tore some fabric from one of the filters and glued it over the holes - and it worked!It was dead quiet, and the air was still flowing freely.It was quiet all night then after a few hours a bit of whistling until I gave it a wipe.Vast…"
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John replied to John's discussion evil mask noise
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Jonathan posted a discussion

ResMed AirSense 10 getting noisy

HelloI have an NHS issued ResMed AirSense 10 with heated humidifier.  In the last couple of weeks, it's developed an annoying noise, when I inhale. It bothers me a little and my partner a lot! I sometimes get problems if the water container in the…See More
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Jonathan replied to John's discussion evil mask noise
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"11K+? Ok that's probably where I should look then :-)"
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Kath Hope replied to John's discussion What's a good Apnea forum?
"Hi John. Thanks for the compliment as I do my best popping on here, but it's difficult due to us now supporting 25k+ patients at the charity. To be honest, the forum is quiet because most people seem to prefer Facebook and forums aren't as…"
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John posted discussions
Oct 16
Jonathan replied to John's discussion Has anyone been told root cause of their OSA?
"There's some information here, but generally it's very common and likely due to our anatomy."
Oct 12

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