I have recently had a small operation for the above.
It involves a small camera going up the nose and then you are sent to sleep.
When you have an Apnea the camera picks up what is causing it.
I returned this week as an out patient and was told that my tounge, soft palate and fat in the throat was the cause.
The consultant said that he operates on a very few patients that he feels sure would benefit but I am not one of them.
He was very fair and said by operating it could help me but I would still need to use a c/pap
and therefore he would not operate.
He also said he felt the throat would be halped by me loosing weight and I said I have tried so hard but find it very difficult.
He said people with osa find it 5 times harder to loose weight.
I asked as my ahi was good and I always use my c/pap would that not reverse that.and he said something about the taste recepter in the throat could have been damaged by the osa and that would stop me loosing weight.
He said I go to many top meeting on this and nobody knows the reason for certain.
I am now on a very very strict diet and going to the gym 6 days per week.
I will not be beat I will get rid on the c/pap!!
Regards Joe
do you have blood pressure and by extension blood pressure tablets like enalapril
Joe, am so sorry that there's no quick fix for you - I have the same issues:- large tongue base and large soft palate (not sure about fat in the throat though). Fortunately for me, CPAP works a treat - just wish it did for you. Good luck with the diet....
Hi Pete,
I was going to ask him what succes rate he had as I know it is low and would not enter into an op lightly.
Before I asked him he said he would not do it as I was one of the people who would not benefit enough
Regards Joe
I have spot on blood pressure and do not need to take any tablets for it
Reply to Kath and Terry,
I use my a/pap 100% everynight and the hospital tells me how pleased they are with the way I use it.
I have a very strong will power and if something is going to save my life I will make sure i use it.
I know it probably saves my life, even more proof I had heart arrythmus but since using the a/pap )3 years regular) I have been checked and they have all gone away, fantastic!!
I have always been heavy even when I was slim I guess I have a lot of muscle and I know that is heavy.
i use an oximeter and software for the a/pap and the figures are very good.
I have spot on blood pressure
So if it's all under control why am I looking for ways to not wear the a/pap?
I do not like waking up and having to fumble around looking for buttons to turn the m/c off.
I do not like sleeping in separate beds and i feel i need to as I would not subject my wife to having air blown in her face all night even though she says that she would tolerate it for me.
I do not like fiddling around putting masks etc back after I take them off to get a
drink of water in the night.
I do like nodding off in the garden or in my arm chair but if I do an apnea wakes me.
I do not like all the trouble unplugging, packing it, carrying it on a plane and replugging in the hotel.
I do not like relying on a life saving piece of aquipment that could brake down any time or have a power cut.
I do not like trying to go sleep and putting head wrong on the pillor means it starts to leak and so I must move just when I was going to sleep.
I could go on but surfice to say I wear it because i feel I must but that does not make me happy to wear it, in is there was an alternative I would jump at it.
Regards Joe
You say "personally CPAP saved my life and I can't sleep without it"
I say "I totally agree"
I think you are missing my point.
I do not want the hassle that goes with the a/pap and so looking for an alternative if possible if not then I will have to carry on with the a/pap.
I do not undertsand what you are agreeing to disagree about.
I know your biggest issue it the damage that's been done to your ears Joe through CPAP. Perhaps, due to this, you might be a good candidate for the new electrical stimulation treatment if and when it becomes available. Never give up 'hope' - pun intended LOL.
look's like there's good Hope for the future
Sorry if I confused the discussion Joe, what I mean't was I don't think it's a hassle living with CPAP and that's what we disagree with, each person is different.
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