hi all
has anyone any experience with these gel liners or similar
Simon, I just noticed them on another site, they are fairly new. There is another one on the market that is similar. I stick with my home hade mask liners myself. Wwould be interested to hear anyones feedback.
terry thanks
do you have a link for the similar product too
i am going to order one just would like to see other ones also before ordering
i have also emailed site to see if they do gel liner for forehead bridge
Simon, I don't maybe if you google gel masks you may find them, I have seen any for the forehead, I make my own out of material and use the off cuts for forehead padding, it works for me.
I think the one Terry means is the CPAP Seal http://www.cpapseal.com/ but it looks to me like they're both exactly the same. Perhaps the Gel United are suppliers, but have added a footcare range too. I've never tried them, but have several customers who have. Some hate them and some like them. We try to only stock products which work for a large percentage of people, but would be interested to hear what you think if you try them. I, like Terry, find the home-made liners work well, but most of the time I don't need them with the masks I use.
will let you know if i go ahead and try
one thing i wonder when looking at all mask liners in the hole does not look big enough for mouth breathers it seems to only open enough for nose or is it just the picture does no show it that well?
Kath Hope said:
I think the one Terry means is the CPAP Seal http://www.cpapseal.com/ but it looks to me like they're both exactly the same. Perhaps the Gel United are suppliers, but have added a footcare range too. I've never tried them, but have several customers who have. Some hate them and some like them. We try to only stock products which work for a large percentage of people, but would be interested to hear what you think if you try them. I, like Terry, find the home-made liners work well, but most of the time I don't need them with the masks I use.
I've seen comments before on the gel liners that you can trim them to suit. I'm sure it was on their main website Simon.
simon howlett said:
one thing i wonder when looking at all mask liners in the hole does not look big enough for mouth breathers it seems to only open enough for nose or is it just the picture does no show it that well?
now ordered so i will post results once they arrive with a review
Kath Hope said:
I've seen comments before on the gel liners that you can trim them to suit. I'm sure it was on their main website Simon.
simon howlett said:one thing i wonder when looking at all mask liners in the hole does not look big enough for mouth breathers it seems to only open enough for nose or is it just the picture does no show it that well?
Look forward to hearing what you think Simon.
just got back form 6 month check up with sleep clinic everything is working all ok, oxi overnight test was perfect
while there told them about issues with mask etc, they spoke of a new ResMed mask coming next couple weeks, and told me i could call them back and they would let me try this one, looked on uk site and can see nothing but on USA site they have a Quattro air - so i dont know if thats the one or not, but i have not seen it before!! has anyone else??
Yes, it's the Quattro Air Simon, and sounds like it's a competitor to Respironics' new Amara, as it advertises how light it is, and the full face masks don't come much lighter than the Amara, so will be interesting to hear how it goes when people start getting it.
simon howlett said:
just got back form 6 month check up with sleep clinic everything is working all ok, oxi overnight test was perfect
while there told them about issues with mask etc, they spoke of a new ResMed mask coming next couple weeks, and told me i could call them back and they would let me try this one, looked on uk site and can see nothing but on USA site they have a Quattro air - so i dont know if thats the one or not, but i have not seen it before!! has anyone else??
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